Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Science, Writing and Art, Oh My! and a Giveaway

My students have come back refreshed  for the last quarter.  We are working hard before they leave for the summer. Sorry for the quality of the photographs, they were taken on my phone.  

We have been working on habitats.  I got a donorchoose grant for art supplies and have been able to mix science, writing and art.  The kids have been so excited to express their knowledge through art. It is so wonderful.  

Our first project was a flip book to jot down all our notes about the habitats.  From there we moved on to water colors and wrote poems about the habitat. The ocean one turned out to be an Acrostic poem.  Here are some samples.

My hope is to make a class book for each habitat.  
We still need to do forest.

Now on to our research project.  They are writing about an animal. They worked on each step.  Research, flow map, and now we are on our rough draft.  They are also trying to create their animal in clay.

My students are so creative.  Their creations will be painted when fully dried.

Before I leave the classroom I get to turn off the lights and see their bright butterflies.  What types of art do you do in your class during spring?

On Earth Day we discussed Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.  This lovely creativity was on on TpT.  The kids loved it.

Speaking of Earth Day, Educents has teamed up with Conscious Box to bring you a free Conscious Box delivered right to your door!

Consious Box delivers eco- friendly products to your doorstep every month. So this would be a sneak peek at the products you could receive. The giveaway starts at midnight and ends on Sat. April 27th. Your prize will be mailed to you on May 10th.

Also, be aware that you will be added to their mailing list for future giveaways.   

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great giveaway....I love to get ready for our Mother's Day program! My kids always do a great job!

  2. vera khuke at gmail dot com. In the Spring we like to plan something outside.

  3. Grace Binelo,
    This is very cool, I love eco-friendly products.
