Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday Made It

Super excited about finishing these two projects since I started them in the summer.  Spring Break was good to me.  I got to spend time with my guys and complete these. I also won a couple pin to win games on Facebook.  I can't wait to use the units/activities with my students.  

Project #1

I was inspired by all the cute owl clip art I saw.  This little gem is easy to make.  I just used: embroidery needle 
                embroidery hoop
                felt squares
                fabric glue

I'm just not sure what to do with it since it doesn't match any of my decor.  Possibly a giveaway item.  (shrug)

Owl Art

Project #2
I finally got around to finishing up a unit for the Mathematical Practices.  You can find it in my store.  Here is a list of what is in it.

Each practice has an activity to do to clarify the mathematical practice to the students. 
The activities are not just math related but go across the curriculum.
There are:
*writing activities to respond to literature
*a graphing activity
*a fraction book
*a fraction page
*race to a dollar game boards
*a scavenger hunt for math tools
*word problems page
*parts of a flower activity
*domino addition page
*mathematical practices rubric
*anecdotal record sheet

If you teach or have a preschooler/kindergartner  I posted a few freebies in my store as well. Can't wait to see what everyone made.

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