Sunday, April 28, 2013

Full Moon and Fun

This week was a tough one since my students had a wackadoodle  kind of schedule  because of the testing that was going on in the upper grades.  It made for a long afternoon.

Also the full moon might have had a hand in the naughty behaviors that arose this week.  Luckily my students shined before the moon rose.  I had my wonderful observation by the captain of our ship.  She was cutting it close since the evaluation cut off is the last day of April.

My students continued work on their animal writing and their clay models.  The weather has been so wonderful so picnic lunch maybe in our near future.  Do you do something similar with your class?

My son was able to help some wonderful people complete a certification class on working with swimming students that are diagnosed with ASD.  He had a blast.

As a family we decided to go out and visit the Discovery Museum.  It was perfect for him to interact with all the exhibits.  He didn't want to leave and we only had a small meltdown.  I would love to take my students to that museum. We will most likely have our one field trip a week before school ends. 

Last week my husband and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary.  It has been a wonderful adventure. As you can see we had an intimate family wedding.  Our bagpipe player was wonderful.   

My two gentleman relaxing after a long day.  

 I've decided to join in a challenge to get healthy.  If you are interested just click on the image below to get the details.

I have alphabet activities that I need to post this week.  I have been making more items for my son to work on as the summer nears.  That is all for now.  

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