Friday, May 3, 2013

May Currently

I finally have a quiet moment to get to the May Currently.

Remember hop on over to Farley's blog to join in. Just click on the image.

Well here is what I'm up to.

Wow, it is nice to have both my guys sleeping in.  We are usually up and hustling our behinds way earlier than this.  

My son is doing wonderfully at school but we have had some tough moments with mini meltdowns. We are working through them. I feel better now knowing about his bedtime routine being a bit tougher since he is having separation issues that most kids do.  I love talking to experienced moms they help me see a much clearer picture.

As always I would love to get organized to the point that I can pinpoint units easily and have everything laid out much easier for me.  I need an organizer to give me a class.  

I would love to go and soak in a hot tub for an evening.  I really need to get my big girl panties on and make this a wonderful last month for my second graders.  I've been trying to keep art, writing and science a great learning experience for them.

I am saving up my money (any change I can find) to make a fund to take my son to as many places I think he will love.  My husband and I have been hermits of sorts because of the fear of having my son get overloaded with sensory input.  We have decided to be cautiously optimistic and just try.  I've developed a thicker skin for dealing "with the public" and now I just need to be focus on my little guys mood.  

Can't wait to check out the other blogs.


  1. I hope you have some awesome trips this summer!

    Lovin’ Kindergarten

  2. Hi! I'm linking up with Farley this month too.
    Just think, one more month and then you can enjoy your summer with your family!! You can do it!

    Papers, Pencils and Books, Oh My!
