Monday, November 5, 2012

November Currently

Long time no see.....

I have been knee deep in the trenches of adjusting to changes at school, this post is somewhat of a whining session.  We were able to get a morning recess. So my sanity was saved with that.   It looks as though our wonderful staff is dealing with all the changes that our new reading program has brought.  Many of us are thinking that a lot of things weren't broken so why do we need to get rid or change what has worked.

Morale isn't high at all.  I'm trying to keep my little learners from feeling any of this but it is tough.

I'm dealing with a new battle.  I am advocating for my students with IEPs who are being placed in a reading group that is at their frustration level and not their instructional level. Why? The para can't be cut in half. Why must they struggle and feel unsuccessful because the admin doesn't want to do what is right.  It rocked me to the core since I truly know that this is how my son will be treated when I want to bring him to my school.  Of course I know my rights and see what is going on so I would fight.  I shake my head thinking that what happened to these ladies who are suppose to be educators first.

I have always thought "DO NO HARM" to my students.  They are already facing many things and I believed all educators had the best interest in the students first.  Being in education has been a major roller coaster ride.  

This week is conference week and I'm going to try and stay positive and hope that I can rock some sense into the admin when it comes to my students. If not then I will have exposed a bulls-eye on my back as being difficult and not going with the status quo.  I don't seem to mind it though.  

As always I hope to post some free items soon, I have some adorable clip art that I have yet to use.   I won some of the brag tags and I'll have to post soon how the kids are loving them and I'l be participating in a postcard exchange that my students will love.  More about that when I can breath.  

Thanks for hearing my rant.  

Thanks to Farley for hosting.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Scheduling - Venting

I haven't posted for a bit since we have had training this week and I was trying to cram in some family time too.  

I need your feedback. 

So here is what has been going on. This week of training has been interesting to say the least.  I kept hearing rumblings about our new schedules and teaching blocks.  I thought my collegues had the information incorrect.  They kept saying there was NO morning recess.  I just didn't believe it.  Then, today in black and white it was there.  The kids and teachers will not get a fresh air break until almost noon for their lunch recess.  

Okay, please tell me there is a school that opperatates like this and it works.  I am so shocked on so many levels.  As a teacher I don't think it is right to not give students a break in the morning.  They need to get their yayas out and move.  As an employee I also think it is asking too much to not get a break to use the bathroom.  I take meds that inturn require me to use the bathroom.  Now I'll have to arrange for someone to come in as I run to the "potty." 

I know I chose this profession but really.  If you read my blog you will know I no longer have my uterus since I had that wonderful surgery in June.  I think how tough it would be to take care of business if I still had it and menstrated.  (Sorry, TMI)

As always, I'll work through it but boy it is going to be tough.
I am also every so lucky (smirk) to have my prep at the end of the day.  Get this, the recess they are given is at 2:00-2:15 and Specials are at 2:15.  It doesn't make sense to me to not break up the day a little differently.  

If any of you teach at a school where their is no recess until almost noon please let me know.   Does it work?  Are we nuts?  Will I have a breakdown? 

I picked the greatest week to start a new fitness program too.  I start a fast next week and working out.  Boy, I know who will try not to be cranky.  A ray of sunshine I may not be next week but I have hope that I can get to know my students and enjoy building my classroom family.

Sorry there aren't any new items or freebies.  I intend to work on some since I love the little mad money that is coming from it.  I'm going to put it towards getting Joshua items I have on a wish list for him.  

Okay, enough whhhaaaa whaaaaaing.  I hope tomorrow is better and I can work with this schedule.  If you made it this far thanks for listening.  

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Back to School Sale at TpT and Giveaways

I can't believe it is almost time for me to return to the classroom and say goodbye to Summer Vacation.  Well a sale usually cheers me up.  So my store will have a sale along with the TpT discount. The sale is on Aug. 12 and 13.  Don't forget to use the code to get additional savings.  I have so many items in my cart, I can't wait.

If you would like to know who else is having a sale Amanda at First Grade Garden is having a linky party.  Just go on over and click to check out the wonderful sales.

Giveaways that you don't want to miss.

If you have a cute owl theme this giveaway is for you.

If you like Starbucks or Target then this one is for you and some wonderful TpT items. 

Just click on the pictures and enter. Good luck.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Currently August

Farley at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade is having her Currently linky party!  Go on over and join.

Here is my Currently.
I still can't believe it is August already.

My back to school must haves are really basic.  I really just need to organize what I already have.  This Monday is my day to tackle just making my materials tidy.

I'm working on another giveaway and I'll have it up soon.  

Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday Made It and Giveaway Winners!

All set for another Monday Made it hosted by Tara at 4th Grade Frolics. This project is super-duper easy.  I had a extra yellow pocket chart for counting hundreds, tens and ones.  I decided to use it to store and organize my many remotes.  

Since I haven't been to my classroom yet this summer, I had to paint the picture for you by explaining.  Each pocket holds my remote control for the ELMO, DVD/VCR, and SMART board projector.

I have folded back the top part and stapled it to my bulletin board.  I've decided to label this remote keeper this year.  The REMOTE STASH. I wanted to make a big mustache to go on the label. I couldn't find clip art that would allow me to give out a freebie.  So I made my own on paint.  If you like it, feel free to click on it and take it.

Winners of my giveaways are:  

Thank you to all who entered. I loved reading all the comments about your Christmas traditions, and how you dress for the school day.

In trying to include more items in my TpT store.  I'm working on Common Core Math products.

My latest is this one:

If your district was like mine, you just received a big poster of the Mathematical Practices.  If you teach primary you know that they aren't in kid friendly language.  I added some clip art and examples to help students understand. So if you are interested  click on the picture to hop on over to my store.

I had to share these pictures of my little prince at a Fire Awareness Event at my husbands previous workplace (Mormon Station State Historic Park).  He loved the park and museum.  He did really well with all the sights and sounds.

I can't wait to see what everyone made.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday Made It- Giveaways

Here again for another Monday Made It hosted by Tara at 4th Grade Frolics. This project is not too original but I decided to make it reflect myself. I decorated a clipboard. I got this one at the Dollar Tree. I painted the back and then decoupaged my printouts.

I'm not sure how long these will last since they are made of cardboard.  As always, you get what you pay for at the Dollar Tree.  

Please stop by and enter my drawings.  Just click on the picture. One of the items is this Angela Moore bracelet.
The other item is for The Elf on a Shelf.
Can't wait to see what everyone made.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Angela Moore and Common Core (A Giveaway and a Freebie)

Have you ever heard of Angela Moore?  Well I have another giveaway, an Angela Moore Bracelet. I know it doesn't involve the classroom.  But come to think of it, if you look good you probably rock your lesson plan too. You can enter below on rafflecopter.  This is what it looks like.  It is her Nautical Breeze Lime/Turquoise Classic Bracelet. 

Now on to Common Core.  Well after having a year of implementing common core math, this year I want to try and focus more on the math practices.  You know those eight math practices that all students must work on and that continue on to high school.  I'm still trying to figure out how to perfect my anecdotal notes but I thought this would help.  Using these questions during a math talk can help to see where the student strength and weaknesses are. Just click on the picture to get the all of the pages.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Parent Involvement - Linky Party

Tammy at 123 Teach with Me is having a Get Parents Involved Linky Party.  I haven't had much parent involvement over the years. I completely understand that parents are busy but I have provided opportunities for them to see their child shine.  I love to have performances and a time for the children to share their wonderful work.  

My favorites have been when they have written a book, we have had an Author's Tea Party.  I wish I had photos, but I was too busy planning and hosting each event that I never asked for someone to be the photographer.  I will next year. Our theme the last time was the Mad Hatter Tea from Alice and Wonderland.  I asked the kids to dress up if they liked.  I gave the girls bows on a head band and the boys had sentence strip hats with a Mad Hatter cut out on it.  

I provided punch, sandwiches and a cake.  The kids and their parents sat and heard each child read their page of the book.  It was a wonderful opportunity for the class and families to get together.

I also love to have the kids perform Johnny Appleseed.  All the students have a part, they take pride in their costumes and creating the background.  We have the performance and then celebrate by eating all things made from apples.  
 Please stop by and enter my giveaway!  

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Christmas in July Giveaway!

I am long overdue for a giveaway, and, I just reached 250 followers!

 I think that is rather amazing. 

You might already have this little gem, but if you haven't, he is a great addition to your classroom during the holidays. 

 I couldn't afford him in the past,  
so, last year I used a stuffed little guy that was more within my price range. 

Well my hubby being the great guy he is, (and rather frugal) got me more than one after the holidays and this extra one needs to find a home.  

You will receive the following if you are the winner:  
There is an amazing website too, Elf on the Shelf.

I used the Magic Elf Activity from Kerri B.
The students really loved it!

Here is her link. 

There are other packets and activities out there of course.

I found this parody of it but I have yet to read it.

Here is a freebie! So you have to hop on over to my store to pick it up.   Hope you like it.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, July 16, 2012

A Tale of Two Apples

Another week for Monday Made It!  Visit Tara at 4th Grade Frolics and join the party!

I picked these two apples awhile back at a thrift shop and finally got around to putting a twist on them.  I painted the pi symbol on one and I decided to decoupage the other.




I found this great tutorial on decoupaging an apple at Catnip Studio . The directions are very clear.  I only have the before and after since I thought it was a total FAIL (last night when I was exhausted) but it turned out okay for a first try (after a good nights rest). Tissue paper is probably too thin for this project but there was no turning back.

I'm not sure what I'll do with the apple Pi one considering we don't cover that in second  grade. The other one matches  my wreath so it might hang out in a corner of my classroom.

Catnip Studio Chronicles

Please be sure to check out several freebies at my TpT store.

I'll be able to check out all the wonderful crafting after my son goes to bed tonight.  I'm hoping that will be at a reasonable hour, especially since there are so many links to check out.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Monster Theme Anyone?

I had a burst of creativity when I didn't have t.v. to distract me.  Our dish box gave out and we are waiting for a replacement.  So good things come out of not so good things.  

Today my little boy was successful with potty training so I'm hoping it will continue to be successful.  Sorry if this is T.M.I for some of you.  I would really love to get him out of diapers.  One of the prizes I won in a giveaway was a Gift Certificate to Target and it went to purchasing those lovely diapers.  

Okay back to what I created, sorry for the tangent.  Since, I'll be using My Class Dojo again next year I decided to make some items for my class and they just so happen to also be in my TpT store.  I loved the monster avatars they have so I have been making a lot of monster items.  

Here are a few new items and some freebies.  Please follow me on my TpT store if you take a freebie.  I would so appreciate it.  

Click on any of the previews to go to my TpT store.

Here is the lovely freebie.  
These are Monster Check for Understanding Cards. Just click on the picture to pick it up. There are 2 more options the students can choose from.  You'll see.

Print on green, yellow, and red paper. Cut and laminate. Hole punch a corner and place a ring to keep them together. You can have your students let you know how they are doing quietly.

Since, I'm missing my crazy ladies , I mean Housewives of New Jersey and Watch What Happens. I'll be doing a Monday Made It.  Will it be a disaster?  I hope it will be usable.  We will see.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Monster Shapes and a Wonderful Book

I just finished playing with my Shape Monster clip art and created this new item for my little store.  Stop by and check it out.  As a freebie, I have posted my Monster Shape Award.

I'm kind of bummed I didn't make anything for Monday Made It, I felt I was doing so good with keeping up with making some great stuff for my class.  

I  just finished a wonderful book by a fellow blogger-

Sunny from The Caffeinated Teacher

The Caffeinated Teacher

I highly recommend this book.  She is a true Phoenix. As a teacher I can relate. As someone who has also experienced the loss of an innocent childhood (the aftermath/fallout in adulthood) and has kept going, I can also relate.

I would have finished the book in one sitting but my little boy got up from his nap.  When he went down for bedtime I picked right up and couldn't put it down until I read the last page.

I'll be looking for her next book.

Click on her blog button and look for the book button on her blog to order your copy.