Saturday, July 21, 2012

Parent Involvement - Linky Party

Tammy at 123 Teach with Me is having a Get Parents Involved Linky Party.  I haven't had much parent involvement over the years. I completely understand that parents are busy but I have provided opportunities for them to see their child shine.  I love to have performances and a time for the children to share their wonderful work.  

My favorites have been when they have written a book, we have had an Author's Tea Party.  I wish I had photos, but I was too busy planning and hosting each event that I never asked for someone to be the photographer.  I will next year. Our theme the last time was the Mad Hatter Tea from Alice and Wonderland.  I asked the kids to dress up if they liked.  I gave the girls bows on a head band and the boys had sentence strip hats with a Mad Hatter cut out on it.  

I provided punch, sandwiches and a cake.  The kids and their parents sat and heard each child read their page of the book.  It was a wonderful opportunity for the class and families to get together.

I also love to have the kids perform Johnny Appleseed.  All the students have a part, they take pride in their costumes and creating the background.  We have the performance and then celebrate by eating all things made from apples.  
 Please stop by and enter my giveaway!  

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