Monday, July 16, 2012

A Tale of Two Apples

Another week for Monday Made It!  Visit Tara at 4th Grade Frolics and join the party!

I picked these two apples awhile back at a thrift shop and finally got around to putting a twist on them.  I painted the pi symbol on one and I decided to decoupage the other.




I found this great tutorial on decoupaging an apple at Catnip Studio . The directions are very clear.  I only have the before and after since I thought it was a total FAIL (last night when I was exhausted) but it turned out okay for a first try (after a good nights rest). Tissue paper is probably too thin for this project but there was no turning back.

I'm not sure what I'll do with the apple Pi one considering we don't cover that in second  grade. The other one matches  my wreath so it might hang out in a corner of my classroom.

Catnip Studio Chronicles

Please be sure to check out several freebies at my TpT store.

I'll be able to check out all the wonderful crafting after my son goes to bed tonight.  I'm hoping that will be at a reasonable hour, especially since there are so many links to check out.


  1. I love your decoupage apple! It is so pretty. I'd have a difficult time with my apple. I always seems to get bubbles in everything I do...
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. There are bubbles in mine, but it could have been worse. Thanks for stopping by. I'm still trying to get through all the Monday Made It posts.

  2. Made It Monday linky visit! I love how your decoupaged apple turned out! I am sure you will find the perfect place for it in your classroom. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I'm still trying to look through all the posts on Monday Made It.

  3. I love both apples, what a great repurpose on both. Thanks for sharing.


  4. Your apples turned out so cute! Thanks for sharing and linking up:)

    4th Grade Frolics
