Thursday, June 30, 2011

Everyone Loves a Deal

I was lucky enough to have a few minutes to spend in the dollar area of Target. My lovely husband disappeared after I said I needed to look a bit more closely at what the teacher items were.

Here you can see that I'm not the only fan of the dollar section.

Joshua loves a deal too. He could not pass up a deal and wanted to take all three dump trucks.

I haven't blogged in a while but I have found some time to link up with Kristen from Lady Bug's Teacher Files. Check out all the great items others have found.

Here are my other finds.

Some of the items are for my student store and a few are for our new decor. I'm still trying to figure out if I want white bulletin boards with these colorful boarder strips.

I was able to find most of the items in my local Target but I was lucky to find the pointers while visiting family in California. That shopping trip was what I call an "in and out mission" so I didn't get to see all the products. I still plan on making some pointers before school starts.

The mitts are from the Dollar Tree. I plan to use those for dusting in my classroom. I saw some cute ones on a site but they were a bit expensive. I think I'll just add a little foam animal with a glue gun to make them cute.

I'm sure this will not be my only trip to Target or the Dollar Tree this summer.

Grade 2.0 with Mrs. Adcock: Grade 2.0's First GIVE AWAY!!!!!

Grade 2.0 with Mrs. Adcock: Grade 2.0's First GIVE AWAY!!!!!: "I finally reached 100 followers!!! WOO HOO!! I am so thrilled to have this many followers and hope to see the number grow.  I promise to k..."

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Second Grade Journal!: My first Giveaway!!!!!!

My Second Grade Journal!: My first Giveaway!!!!!!: "A lucky winner will be receiving my 10 weeks of Making Words Unit! My school is really big on Making Words and since I'm going to 2nd grade..."

Erica's Elementary Excitement!!: Beginning Blog Giveaway!!

Erica's Elementary Excitement!!: Beginning Blog Giveaway!!: "OK, here it first GIVEAWAY!! I am in love with blogging and I think I'm a Blog Addict now! I have decided to  do a Lakeshore Learning..."

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Favorite Math Lesson - Smart by Shel Silverstein - Money

I love this lesson on the concept of the value of money.

I first found it on Busy Teachers Cafe.

The poem is there and a great worksheet that breaks down the poem. I found this wonderful class made video with Shel Silverstein's own narration of the poem.

My students loved discussing the poem and they got a chance to review the value of money as well.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Job Wheel! Inspired by a new blogger!

Check out a new and awesome blog!

I need to go back to blogging 101. Can't seem to work the links.

I'm doing a lot of planning and reading but I decided to see if I could play around with Callie's idea. Thanks for inspiring me! I hope to make it bigger and on colored paper. I still have to work on the number wheel. I disliked my job cards and this seemed like an answer to my organization prayers.

Here is my little man who just got half of a haircut. He is sporting a mullet. He couldn't sit still long enough but soon his curls will be snipped off too. I'm just glad I can see his little face again.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Mental Math Help Needed!

Has anyone out there used Number Talks: Helping Children Build Mental Math and Computation Strategies by Sherry Parrish or Learning to Think Mathematically with the Rekenrek?

Here is a Rekenrek. Looks like an abacus.

I am trying to figure out how to approach math "fluency" and these have been suggested, but the price is NOT right for me.

I haven't had much success with Otter Creek Math. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


We are finally out for the summer. I have a to do list a mile long and we are dealing with rainy weather but I'm so excited to start my summer.

I brought my rolling cart home with many things I need to work on.

1. New science materials, National Geographic. Is anyone else using these materials?

2. Common Core Math Standards. Something new and so I have to dive into our Expressions math materials and see where I need to fill in the gaps.

3. Common Core Standards in Language Arts and in Writing. I need to see what I already have, need to create or purchase.

4. The wonderful Daily 5. I want to use it along with our reading program. I have been putting it off for a couple years since I did SFA last year and they were going to go to SFA at this school. But with no money we will keep what we have and I can try the Daily 5.

5. Whole Brain Teaching- I tried a few of the components this year and I would like to start it from the very beginning.

6. Rearrange my classroom. I have a huge class but I'm not happy with the arrangement.

Besides doing all this great planning I need to finish my masters. I'm also glad I have some time to blog.