Monday, June 6, 2011

Mental Math Help Needed!

Has anyone out there used Number Talks: Helping Children Build Mental Math and Computation Strategies by Sherry Parrish or Learning to Think Mathematically with the Rekenrek?

Here is a Rekenrek. Looks like an abacus.

I am trying to figure out how to approach math "fluency" and these have been suggested, but the price is NOT right for me.

I haven't had much success with Otter Creek Math. Any ideas would be appreciated.


  1. I know this doesn't help you, but, my school is scheduled to do a book study on Number Talks in the fall. How did you like the book?
    Barrow's Hodgepodge

  2. I haven't purchased it. I am trying to decide if I should buy it. It is about $50. It does sound great though.

  3. Being in trouble to understand certain parts of math is plausible as this is one of some difficult subjects many students are suffering from. If you are searching for a math tutor for your child, you should know how important it is for your child to understand math. No matter what grade your child is in, there is math help for him or her.

    Summer Camps Hamilton MA
