Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Compliment

I have always found it tough to accept compliments. When I found this note from a sub I was a bit shocked since I really thought the students wouldn't be able to handle a sub they didn't already know.

To my surprise they did a wonderful job and they liked him as well.

It's little notes like these from parents or colleagues that I keep and are so precious.

Great Materials at Work

I utilized these wonderful materials on contractions from one of the great bloggers, but I can't give credit where it is due. I have tried to locate which great teacher posted this. Thank you for sharing and if anyone knows who created these please let me know so I can give them credit. The kids loved making these. I think I'll use a variation on the idea with abbreviations in the near future.

I made the last two for the examples. That happens to be a depiction of my husband and I.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Specials aka Prep.

This year I was one of the lucky ones who had to divide her class up for Specials. I decided to not just do a boring "A and B group." No offense if this is how you do it, I just wanted it to be a bit special for the kids, since they had to be divided.

As you can see they are divided into two groups, Peanut Butter and Jelly. Their names are listed under the poster and to the side is the schedule. At one time I did have clip art to go with the sign but I could not find it when I remade the sign. Another project for my "to do" list.

Do any of you use any other method to keep track of what group goes where for Specials?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Family Weekend

This weekend we are visiting my mother in-law and having a great time. I don't have access to my desktop and pictures. I did take some pictures of my classroom and I'll put those up when we get home.

My son is so talented!

Here is Springtime smiling for the camera.

My new blog template!

I'm so excited to have had Kristen, from Ladybug Teacher Files and Ladybug Teaching Resources create this wonderful blog template for me. She was easy to work with and she is so talented. If you are in need for a template please be sure to check her out.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Surprise! A new giveaway!

I have been just posting about these fabulous giveaways and haven't gotten a chance to put up some ideas. I will soon, but here is a new giveaway! Faithful in First is giving away a great book, "Eat What You Love" by Marlene Koch.

Don't miss you chance to win a great book!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I love giveaways!

There is another giveaway on The First Grade Sweet Life. It is a $20 gift certificate to

Don't miss out.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Yet another great giveaway!

The teacher wife is giving away a $10 gift certificate to Barnes and Noble. Be sure to check it out.

Supplies for the Classroom has been a wonderful resource. My class has had 5 projects funded this year and I'm so grateful for donors who have given to our classroom. If you haven't tried it, please do. It is easy to write a project.

Some of the items the class has received:

Stability balls for the class, different sizes.

A great computer to use with the technology we have in the classroom. The older computer was freezing up.

Just in time for snow we got these two sets of these wonderful games for indoor recess and Fun Friday.

We also received these writing materials.

We can't forget math. This is what we were so lucky to get.

Give it a try and your class will truly benefit.

*Updated with pictures* Free Publishing of your Classbooks

This is the fabulous cover. The kids love that their pictures are plastered on the cover.

The students use, how to draw, to help with their illustrations. We go through the writing process and get a chance to do research.

Studentreasures has been an awesome experience for my students. Last week they received their book, "Our Favorite Animals" in the mail.

It was simple process and doesn't cost you a dime. All you have to do is offer the book for purchase to each parent and collect the yes(with their order) and no responses. Your class still gets a bound hardcover book.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Visiting Mom

Mom looks better than she has in a few months. She has now been moved from the hospital to inpatient rehab. Cancer has sure set it's corrosive mind on attacking her. She has a new hip since it has now decided to attack places the doctors weren't monitoring. Her knee is now in need of radiation A.S.A.P.

My brothers are troopers and continue to be right by her as much as their jobs allow. I will be able to return to visit during Spring Break.

My hope is that the radiation helps and that she will be able to experience days without pain and regain the ability to walk without a walker, crutches or cane.

A very busy and long weekend.

I'm hoping my students behaved for their subs.

More Giveaways!

Check out this wonderful giveaway at Second Grade is Splendid.

Another Awesome Giveaway!

Abby from the Inspired Apple has teamed up with Ms. Davis from Thirst for First for an exciting giveaway. Please check it out.


Doodle Bugs Paper Giveaway!

Doodle Bugs Paper and Primary Graffiti has teamed up for a wonderful giveaway for a wonderful portfolio. Check out their wonderful blogs.

Doodle Bugs Paper

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Getting to class on time and telling time

My students will be learning to tell time this next quarter in a more in depth way. To help some of my students who continue to forget when they need to go to reading, ESL or Speech I decided to make some clocks for them. I have seen these in teacher books, but they are ones I don't own. Hope you can use them.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

More Playing Around

After a great weekend with my family I wanted to see if I could improve on what I started with the blog.

These are my guys and I thought I would try out a few things on here tonight. It looks like I'm running out of time to try some more things. I guess I'll have to leave it for another night.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Please feel free to contact me at


My name is Lorena and I have been teaching for over 10 years. I am currently teaching second grade and have loved its rewards and challenges. I have always wanted to share ideas with other teachers via a blog. Starting this blog has been so exciting and I hope you get something out of it. I'm currently working on my MA in Education - TSOL.

Oh yeah, about the pirate theme. Our school mascot, as you may have guessed, are the Pirates. I'm thinking I'll really go all out next year with the theme and carry it out in the class.

I have a wonderful family. This is Eric and I. My husband Eric is a wonderful man. He always jokes that when he signed the prenup he read the fine print about all that entails marrying a school teacher. Besides being a wonderful hubby he is a GREAT dad.

This is Joshua, our pride and joy! You will rarely find Joshua tuckered out and asleep. Lately he tries to go without a nap. He is almost 2 years old and we need to begin thinking of party themes.