Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Supplies for the Classroom

Donorschoose.org has been a wonderful resource. My class has had 5 projects funded this year and I'm so grateful for donors who have given to our classroom. If you haven't tried it, please do. It is easy to write a project.

Some of the items the class has received:

Stability balls for the class, different sizes.

A great computer to use with the technology we have in the classroom. The older computer was freezing up.

Just in time for snow we got these two sets of these wonderful games for indoor recess and Fun Friday.

We also received these writing materials.

We can't forget math. This is what we were so lucky to get.

Give it a try and your class will truly benefit.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I can't believe you've had all that funded through donorschoose.org. I'm impressed! What great resources for your classroom and students.
