Sunday, July 21, 2013

Monday Made It- Freebie

I have been a busy lady.  I have made so many things for the classroom that I'm almost ready to get back to the classroom to get set up. Umm not really, but my hubby wants his office space back I'm sure.
Click on the picture above to join the party.
Here is a list of things I have made. 
I apologize that the pictures are not the best. It's what I can get done during my son's nap time and with the heat wave. 

1.  Hall passes:  I'm using this from The Brown-Bag Teacher.

2. Where are We at... sign:  I got this one from Run! Miss Nelson's Got the Camera.

3. Lesson Planner:This lovely creation is from Surfin' Through Second.

4. Sound Check:  I made my own Sound Check banner/ribbon. This is the freebie.  The great chevron is courtesy of The Bubbly Blond. Click on the picture to download it.  Please let me know if you have trouble.  I haven't posted a freebie in a while so I'm not sure it is working properly.

Oh, on the freebie I created two, Ask Me, name tags.  I want to have two students that will be the experts during my Math time.

5. C.O.P.S.- I painted frames with some purple glitter paint that I had around and hot glued them to a ribbon.  This will be placed by my writing workshop banner. I used frames my hubby got me from the thrift store.  Making these with foam would have been a better idea since these are pretty heavy.

6.Box Tops container- I had an old container and someone had this as a freebie. I just can't seem to locate that awesome teacher.

I've used our printer and laminator like never before.  I have games and other classroom decor that needed upgrading.

I've been trying to update my product, Teacher Binder- Flowers.  Last year our computer crashed and I didn't save my clipart or products.  Well I have learned my lesson.  I was able to get the wonderful daisy clip art from the artist in France.  So I've been working on an editable version. Here is a look at my progress.

I finally reached 300 followers but I'm not sure how accurate that is. Over the few years that I've been on and off blogging it is nice to reach that goal. I'd like to do a giveaway, just not sure what you would like.  Any suggestions?

Also I was so happy to see one of my post on 25 Clever Classroom Tips For Elementary School Teachers.

This week I'll be plugging along on the teacher binder and getting more wonderful ideas from the Monday Made It!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Busy Summer

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My four year old.  Happy Birthday!
I started the summer with a good week of just getting things tidy here at home.  Then we left for California for my nephew's graduation at Stanford and to celebrate my little guy's 4th birthday.  I had a great time visiting with friends and family.  I actually had a dinner date with my husband and it had been years since we have been able to do this.  The babysitters did a great job watching our son.

When we returned my husband got sick then I did.  Not fun at all.  We are finally at the tail end of the cold.  I have so many projects that are on my TO DO list that I hope I can get some completed before I have to go tackle my classroom organization.

My husband and I on our date.

My son and I playing on the laptop.
My guys playing around.

Enjoying the graduation!
The projects I hope to get to when my little guy goes to bed are a jewelry organizer and restroom passes.  I'll post about them soon.

I'm trying to get set up on Bloglovin.  Hopefully it works.