Join the Currently linky party by clicking on my currently image. So excited for this week since we will be reviewing but having an indoor campout all week. I'll take pictures and share our fun.
I can't believe we are already in June. I'm so happy about it. It has been a tough year since we had to implement a new reading program that isn't my favorite. I try to support it but it doesn't allow for differentiation. As an educator you can see my dilemma. Anyway school morale is at an all time low. We continue to support our kids and each other.
I should be finishing up my report cards but my son will soon ask me to join him in tower or puzzle play. I'll have to get to it later. I'm almost done which is wonderful since my deadline is tomorrow morning.
I have had a wonderful time seeing other teachers with their students on Instagram. I've enjoyed seeing what they are up to since I can't always blog stalk until the weekend, if I'm lucky.
The giveaway table for teachers is up and starting to get filled in one of our hallways. I'm so ready to get rid of materials I haven't used at all. Then comes the organization party I need to have on my own.
I haven't been on a vacation in a long time but when I am I just want to be comfortable in the heat and sun.
Can't wait to see what everyone is up to.