Sunday, March 31, 2013

Currently April

Wow! My last Currently was in November. 

As always I only get a chance to post when my son is quietly in his room.  He is either asleep, watching some Blues Clues or playing.  So today he is playing with his Cars toy who talks.  We haven't seen the sequel so I'm not sure who this character is.

I love my little family unit.  My husband is our glue who keeps us going and my son amazes me daily.  

Still trying to decide if I should let my boss know that I am interested in going into Kinder.  Looking at the pros and cons now.

I really want a spa day or a day to craft without interruption.  It would just be nice to have that time to pamper myself or create something fun.      

I need to workout and pick up the phone to make an appointment for a check up.  I've put it off for a few months. Not a good thing to put off.

My household may be a bit nutty at times but that is when  I do find the time to just be with my guys.  It is a time that usually revitalizes me.  I still would like a spa day too.

I've missed being on my blog.  It's good to be back.


  1. I love your advice! It is SO true :) I need to remind myself of that sometimes!

    Little Lovely Leaders

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You have a precious blog!! I found you on Farley's Currently. What grade to you currently teach?! I don't know that I would be able to handle those sweet little kinders! Mostly because 2nd is where my heart is! :) I hope you have a wonderful week!

    Surviving the Little People

  4. Hey I'm a Kinder teacher and have taught 2nd! I tell you as much as I loved 2nd - there really is nothing like kinder! I so agree with you....It's so important to take time for things that really matter. It's easy to get caught up with the day to day and miss out on what matters the most to you.....good advice for all!
    ❤ jeannie ❤
    Kindergarten Lifestyle

  5. Spa Day sounds great!!! Just found your blog through Farley's linky, I'm your newest follower!

    Science for Kids Blog
