Thursday, August 23, 2012

Scheduling - Venting

I haven't posted for a bit since we have had training this week and I was trying to cram in some family time too.  

I need your feedback. 

So here is what has been going on. This week of training has been interesting to say the least.  I kept hearing rumblings about our new schedules and teaching blocks.  I thought my collegues had the information incorrect.  They kept saying there was NO morning recess.  I just didn't believe it.  Then, today in black and white it was there.  The kids and teachers will not get a fresh air break until almost noon for their lunch recess.  

Okay, please tell me there is a school that opperatates like this and it works.  I am so shocked on so many levels.  As a teacher I don't think it is right to not give students a break in the morning.  They need to get their yayas out and move.  As an employee I also think it is asking too much to not get a break to use the bathroom.  I take meds that inturn require me to use the bathroom.  Now I'll have to arrange for someone to come in as I run to the "potty." 

I know I chose this profession but really.  If you read my blog you will know I no longer have my uterus since I had that wonderful surgery in June.  I think how tough it would be to take care of business if I still had it and menstrated.  (Sorry, TMI)

As always, I'll work through it but boy it is going to be tough.
I am also every so lucky (smirk) to have my prep at the end of the day.  Get this, the recess they are given is at 2:00-2:15 and Specials are at 2:15.  It doesn't make sense to me to not break up the day a little differently.  

If any of you teach at a school where their is no recess until almost noon please let me know.   Does it work?  Are we nuts?  Will I have a breakdown? 

I picked the greatest week to start a new fitness program too.  I start a fast next week and working out.  Boy, I know who will try not to be cranky.  A ray of sunshine I may not be next week but I have hope that I can get to know my students and enjoy building my classroom family.

Sorry there aren't any new items or freebies.  I intend to work on some since I love the little mad money that is coming from it.  I'm going to put it towards getting Joshua items I have on a wish list for him.  

Okay, enough whhhaaaa whaaaaaing.  I hope tomorrow is better and I can work with this schedule.  If you made it this far thanks for listening.  

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Back to School Sale at TpT and Giveaways

I can't believe it is almost time for me to return to the classroom and say goodbye to Summer Vacation.  Well a sale usually cheers me up.  So my store will have a sale along with the TpT discount. The sale is on Aug. 12 and 13.  Don't forget to use the code to get additional savings.  I have so many items in my cart, I can't wait.

If you would like to know who else is having a sale Amanda at First Grade Garden is having a linky party.  Just go on over and click to check out the wonderful sales.

Giveaways that you don't want to miss.

If you have a cute owl theme this giveaway is for you.

If you like Starbucks or Target then this one is for you and some wonderful TpT items. 

Just click on the pictures and enter. Good luck.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Currently August

Farley at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade is having her Currently linky party!  Go on over and join.

Here is my Currently.
I still can't believe it is August already.

My back to school must haves are really basic.  I really just need to organize what I already have.  This Monday is my day to tackle just making my materials tidy.

I'm working on another giveaway and I'll have it up soon.