Sunday, July 8, 2012

More Giveaways and Fun

Well I have been busy resting (Is that an oxymoron?)  and trying to play with my little boy without having to pick him up or play rough with him. I wish I would have planned catching up on some movies while I am recovering but I didn't.  I got to watch super silly shows like, Jerseylicious, Hip Hop Atlanta, Dance Moms,  they aren't very enriching.  Just plain drama filled.  Oh and my Housewives of New Jersey.  

I so want to have a giveaway.  There are so many going on that I need to tell you about them.  

Check out: 


A giveaway worth $500.  Exciting!

She is giving away a $25 Gift Certificate to Target and an item in her TpT store.

Jennifer is giving away a $25 Gift Certificate to TpT!

I was awarded the Versatile Blogger Award! 

Thank you to the following lovely bloggers for giving me this cool award:


Ann from The Caffeinated Classroom

Teaching Joys

Fifth Grade Fancy

Hilary at Fifth Grade Fancy

Now..for the rules of these awards! It's really quite simple!

So here are the rules of the award:

1.  Thank the blogger who nominated you.

2. Include a link to their site.

3. Include the award image in your post.

4. Give 7 random facts about yourself.

5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.

6. When nominating, include a link to their site.

7. Let other bloggers know they've been nominated.

Here are the random facts about myself.

1.  I can not cook, my mommy tried to teach me, but it didn't take.
2. I met my husband on the internet, (don't judge) I am living happily and in love.  He is the best man ever.
3. Crime dramas are my favorite.  I miss Law and Order: Criminal Intent and Monk.
4. I don't wear make-up often but love Mary Kay.  Another oxymoron.  
5. I wasn't a fan of coffee but since becoming a mom it is a life line.
6. I just signed up for Kaia Fitness, (umm this is going to be tough) I'm trying to get healthy. Once I get the okay from the Doctor. 
7. My husband and I are trying to learn about all things - Autism right now.

I am kind of late on doing this post so I hope these bloggers haven't been nominated/awarded yet.  Here are the awesome bloggers:  

1. Shannon at Kindergarten Hoppenings
2. Chantelle at  The Teaching Bug
3. Elizabeth at Mrs. Olson's Rockin' Kindergarten Krew
4. Ms. M. at Ms.M's Blog
5. Jessica at Under the Alphabet Tree
6. Mrs. McHaffiek at Beg Borrow and Steal
7. Sunny at The Caffeinated Teacher
8. Kris at I (Heart) Teaching
9. Yolanda at Oceans of First Grade Fun
10. Jenn at Finally in First
11.  Alysia at Miss B, Busy Bee
12. Mr&Mrs at Meri Cherry
13. Cecelia at I Love 1st Grade
14. Katie at Queen of the First Grade Jungle
15. Laurie at First Grade Lyon's Den

I hope to be posting some freebies tomorrow.  Until then...