Sunday, July 1, 2012


Farley from Oh' Boy Fourth Grade... is having her Currently Linky Party.  So if you want to join in, click on her button.  Here is my Currently.

I am so blessed to have a great hubby.  He has taken great care of me during my recovery.  

I'm a bit ticked at myself since I wanted to make so many things for my blog and TpT when I was working but had no time.  Now that I have time I'm stumped as to what to make.  It bugs me, if you have any requests I'm open to hearing them.

I want to create some stuff for the house and classroom but I have no space.  My hubby has our extra bedroom as his office for his Ebay and Etsy.  If you like vintage stuff you should check him out. I think I might just pick up a rolling cart to house my craft supplies. 

I so miss being out and active.  But I am slowly feeling better, I thought I could forego the Vicodin since it makes me feel so out of it but my body told me, "Nope, not yet lady!"

I love reading so many different kinds of books to the kids.  My favorite recently was Fantastic Mr. Fox.  They just loved the humor.  For the professional one Ron Clark's The Essential 55 really made me think that you can build a wonderful community of learners in the four walls of your classroom.

Everyone loves great comments, so I love the new rule.  

Here is a little freebie, like I said, I'm kind of stuck on ideas.


  1. Just found your blog through Farley's Currently!! I'm your newest follower:) Cute Blog!!

    1...2...3...Teach With Me

  2. Hi there! I'm your newest follower! I found you through Farley's currently linky. Your blog is adorable!
    Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies
    We Read, We Blog, We Teach

  3. I am now your newest follower! I also found you through the link party. =) I completely understand about not having a space for crafts. During the summer I take over the entire dining room table with school stuff, and hope that no one comes over that I would have to move it for. That sounds bad...


  4. I love Ron Clark! The Essential 55 is a wonderfully motivating read!
    First Grade FUNdamentals

  5. Recovery from surgery is no fun! Make sure to take the pain meds! (Sorry for sounding like your mama!)
    Krazy Town

  6. I want to be crafty too!!

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class
    I hope that you'll join me for my giveaway ♥
