Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday Made It!

Tara at 4th Grade Frolics is having a Monday Made It linky party.  I decided to join in and show a project you could do for Father's Day.  We are always out of school before Father's Day so I don't do a craft with my students for the occasion.  I was able to make one with my little boy for his Daddy.

1. First I painted a piece of wood I had around the house.

2. I found a picture of my little guy and some clip art.  Sorry the pictures aren't the greatest.  The call out bubble says, "When I need help I just call my... Super Dad."  I got the Super Dad clip art here.  I used Mod Podge, hence the shine.

3.  My little boy helped out with providing his hand print.  

4.  I went ahead and painted DADDY on the space that was left.  I need to add a ribbon for hanging but I thought it turned out pretty well.


  1. Lorena,
    That turned out so sweet!!! I wish my kiddos were little again to do fun stuff like that....they grow up too fast...boohoo! Thanks for linking up:) Pop back next week...I'm doing this every to do list is growing and growing!!

    4th Grade Frolics

  2. That's precious! I always tell myself that I'm going to do something for Father's Day in my classroom and then the end of the year sneaks up on us!

    Fun in Room 4B

  3. Hey Lorena!!! Long time, no speak!! I love this project, what a creative idea!

    1. Kristen,

      I'm finally able to devote time to the blogging community. :)

      So happy to be back.

