Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday Made It - 2

Another Monday to show off my craftiness or lack there of.  I am linking up to  Tara at 4th Grade Frolics is having a Monday Made It linky party. 

Well I took a stab at making a sign for my classroom. I saw this cute quote on Pinterest.

I thought I would try some more painting and Mod Podge. Things were looking great until I figured out I was using a paint brush that was a bit too big for what I needed.  Well I said, "oh heck" and thought of this picture.

Well maybe that is too dramatic but I do think it looks better if you squint and tilt your head at a 45 degree angle (from 5 feet away).  

Anyway this is the final product minus ribbon, I have yet to make a trip to Micheal's or Jo-Anne's.  It is on my long to do list.  I'll be hanging this right next to my door so the students can appreciate it every time they exit the classroom.


  1. I love it! Did you paint the word or print them? Great job but I know the feeling of the picture above.

    1. I painted the words on after printing them off using word and tracing over them. Another tip I found on pinterest.

  2. It turned out awesome! I love the posters you added....too funny! I feel like that sometimes!!! Thanks for linking up:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  3. hahaha I love those pinterest fails! My sister and I made some (awesome looking) cupcakes over Christmas break that failed miserably! Everytime I see a pinterest fail I tag her! They seriously make me LOL! But yours turned out awesome!! I love the reminder!
    Rowdy in Room 300

  4. That's a great poster! It does always seem to look better when it's on Pinterest (well at least when I try to make it!) :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  5. I had to laugh at that poster - that's the main reason why I don't try more of the cute things I see on Pinterest - I'm afraid it will look like crap and be a waste of time/money! I think your sign is adorable though - and i didn't tilt my head at all!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats in Kindergarten
