Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy Thursday! Grand Opening!

Well I am so happy that I finally got my Teachers Pay Teachers store up and running. Stop by and check it out. Please become a follower.  There isn't much there yet. (There are freebies.) I'm just glad I did it, I was going to do it a year ago but things got a bit busy.  Last year, I was just finishing my Masters and we were getting the diagnosis on my son.

Here is my first product up for sale.

As always, there are some bumps in the road.  So, now I'm going in for surgery tomorrow.  Three years to the day I went in to get induced for labor.  This time it is for a hysterectomy.  My husband says I'll no longer have an "oven."   I'll be happy when it is all over but it doesn't sound to pleasant.  I am on here trying to keep my mind off of it.  Any positive energy or prayers are greatly appreciated.

Also I have a craft I made for Made It Monday on 4th Grade Frolics (blogger isn't giving me a chance to link pages, grrr) but I'm not sure I'll be able to post it.  I'll see how I'm feeling. 


  1. Sending positive energy your way. I hope all goes smoothly and that you feel better soon.

  2. Wishing you well. I'm having one July 30th (I had to schedule it out since I am teaching summer school). Hope you have a speedy recovery!!

  3. Sending thoughts & prayers your way. I hope everything goes well and may you have a speedy recovery!

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  4. I'll be thinking about you! Wishing you a speedy recovery! (and I'm stopping by your store now!)
    Tori's Teacher Tips

  5. Sending lots of positive energy your way. Congrats on opening your TPT store. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
    The Teaching Thief
    Fiction Friday: A Celebration of Children’s Literature
