Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Giving it a Try!

I just submitted a project to for gift certificates for Teachers Pay Teachers.  Has anyone tried this?

Be No. 1... Give to Public Schools in Need! - Go to
I figure what I really need right now is to have some funds to purchase items on my teachers pay teachers wish list. As teachers normally do I have had to look everywhere to find materials or adapt the out dated ones to Common Core. Our school district has yet to purchase any new material that is completely aligned with the standards.
So here I am trying to be proactive and possibly not spend any more of my pay check on curriculum materials (yeah right). I'd like to hear if you have tried this and if you were successful. I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. Great idea! Never thought of it!

    btw thanks for adding my button to your blog list!!


  2. Let us know how the Donors Choose project turns out. I have not tried it. I am your newest follower. I hope you'll check out my blog sometime!
    :) Dana
    Fun in 1st Grade

  3. Hi Lorena!

    To get a Mimio Pad on Donor's Choose, the vendor that carries them is Childcraft. So, when you make your proposal, just search that vendor!

    Good luck!!!

    Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog
