Monday, September 5, 2011

Blog withdrawl

I have really missed blogging but like all of you I have been really busy.

I finished my Masters! Yeah ME!

We are now in our third week of school, I have a great class. I have some challenges ahead with differentiation but I'm glad I have this blogging community to help.  I have started the Daily 5, which will probably be the Daily 3 in my class.  I wish I would have done this sooner.  My school is the only one in the district that isn't SFA  (Success For All) and we will probably be one next year.  I'll enjoy it while I can.

My son was just diagnosed with Autism so my husband and I are learning all we can to help our little man. We are continuing early intervention with speech and are on a waiting list of occupational therapy.    We appreciate the little things that others take for granted. Such as a real hair cut without a melt down, it went really well.
Lollipops are great to keep in your purse.

My hope is to share some pictures of my classroom.  My room is a huge reflection on the wonderful ideas from this rocking community.  I am LONG overdue for a giveaway so if you have any suggestions for what kind of prize you would love to win leave me a comment.    


This year we are rolling out National Geographic Science, the Common Core Standards for Math.  We are using Expressions for Math.  I'm a visual learner so I was mega happy to find this on You Tube.  Hope it helps someone else with those daily routines.