Saturday, July 30, 2011

Primary Graffiti: Data Notebook

Primary Graffiti: Data Notebook: "Win it before you can buy it!  I'm prepared to upload my Data Notebook to TpT.  I want to giveaway two copies before the sale on Monday.  I ..."

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Create●Teach●Share: It's a Post-It Party {and Giveaway}

Create Teach Share

Come join the party and enter the giveaway!

Create●Teach●Share: It's a Post-It Party {and Giveaway}: "Giveaway ends Sunday, July 31st. A winner will be announced on the 1st of August!"

Yearn to Learn: Holy Cow It's Giveaway Time

Don't be left out! She is giving away her task card collection.

Yearn to Learn: Holy Cow It's Giveaway Time: "Holy cow, I've been so busy hosting my Blog Mixer Linky with 90 entries so far that my 200 follower mark snuck up on me. So I guess it..."

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Team Building Ideas

So many linky parties!  This one is on Classroom Team Building and is hosted by

I love to play MOVE IF so the students get to know a bit about each other while getting active.  Here is a video I found that shows kids playing this fun game.  The person who is it says, "Move if ..."  and all the players move if what was said applies to them.  Have all the kids sit in a circle.  They must move two chairs away from their last spot, so they can't just move one seat over.  You need to have enough chairs for everyone except the person who is the caller (It).

My students start off with these calls:
Move if you have black on.  Move if you are in the second grade.

Then I have them add things like - Move if you have seen the movie Cars 2.  Move if you have a sister.   That way they get to learn a bit about each other.

Mrs. Bainbridge is having a linky party come on and join in.

Mrs. Bainbridge's Class

The only ones that came to mind are the following:

1.  Did you forget to put your batteries in?  I ask them when I'm not getting much participation from students.

2.  Use your coconut!  I'm referring to their brain, but they think it is cute.

3.  When there is a situation with child A saying "so and so (child B) told me to."  I usually ask child B to ask child A to give me $100. I let them know they need to think for themselves and make smart choices. It gets them thinking.

4.  When I taught Kinder there would be accidents and spills.  I noticed that they would all turn their heads to me to see how I would react.  It also showed me that these poor little guys weren't use to my type of reaction and they might have been waiting for some yelling.  I just would tell them- Accidents happen, clean it up and lets get back to learning.


Teaching in Flip Flops: My First Giveaway!!

Teaching in Flip Flops: My First Giveaway!!: "I finally made it to 50 followers (and more)! Woo Hoo!! That means I'm doing my first giveaway... I'm giving away one of these Scentsy Teac..."

Friday, July 15, 2011

Vistaprint! Be Creative and Save


She is having a Vistaprint Linky Party.

The Apple Basket Teacher

I have used Vistaprint for a few years now.  It is easy and I wait for their specials. Once I get that email for freebies I take a look to see if I need anything for the classroom that they offer.  Here are a few of my purchases.

 This is a small car magnet.  I have it on the front of my desk.

 I have a few other t-shirts but this one is my favorite.

I use this one during one on one assessments.

I've placed these on my class library books.

 I used these two years ago since we did have a paraprofessional who made our copies at that school.

 This is a bumper sticker to add to my class decor.

These two I used when I went back to work after my maternity leave.

My next shipment should be arriving next week.

I want to purchase the following in the near future.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Doodle Bugs Teaching: Giveaway: Personalized Portfolio

Doodle Bugs Teaching: Giveaway: Personalized Portfolio: "I own a little business called Doodle Bugs Paper . You can read more about it here . One of the most popular things I sell are Personaliz..."

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Little Literacy Learners: GIVEAWAY you won't want to miss!!

Little Literacy Learners: GIVEAWAY you won't want to miss!!: "Are you ready for a fantastic giveaway to help me celebrate having over 500 wonderful followers? I am going to be giving away two things..."

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Go Fourth! With Mrs. Owens: As Promised-100 Follower Giveaway!

Go Fourth! With Mrs. Owens: As Promised-100 Follower Giveaway!: "When I started my linky party yesterday, I said I was looking for 100 followers by the end of the month! I never imagined I would have t..."

educationjourney: 3 Winner Giveaway

educationjourney: 3 Winner Giveaway: "When I first started my little blog, I really didn't expect to have that many people read, much less follow, my random ramblings, so it was ..."

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Peace, Love and Learning: Bonus Birthday Freebie

Peace, Love and Learning: Bonus Birthday Freebie: " I have a bonus freebie today, but you'll have to do a little work for this one. It's a Birthday Packet that includes all kinds of goodi..."

Monday, July 4, 2011

Near and Dear to My Heart,

I have blogged about the wonderful classroom and student supplies I have received with I also know that a lot of my blogging buddies have projects up as we speak (I mean as we blog). I just wanted to send some resources your way.

There was recently a webinar given by Francie Kugelman on Laura Chandler's website. You can find a link here.

Also if you have not already liked|We Teach on Facebook. I highly recommend it. Click here to join.

Here is a website where all you need to do is put in the URL from your latest project to create a flyer. Click here to make your own.

I'm having trouble with google docs, so sorry it is so small.

The following items I don't take credit for being the primary creator, they were shared on the Facebook page and I added what worked for me.

This fall Limeades for Learning will be in full swing. Please click here for more information.

I also have one way to keep track of thank you letters and pictures that the donors receive after you project is fully funded. I needed to make the chart to keep track this year since we were blessed with a surge of kind donors. That will be up soon.

Have a Happy 4th!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Giveaway at Adventures In Teaching!

Help Mrs. Thompson celebrate her 100 followers with entering for a chance to win this wonderful scentsy warmer!

Friday, July 1, 2011

4th Grade Frolics: My Very First Giveaway:)

4th Grade Frolics: My Very First Giveaway:): "Ok, I am oh so close to 60 so I'm going to have my very first giveaway!!  I'm too excited!  I just love blogging and sharing and getting ide..."